ABK Innovent

ABK InnoVent

Modern, sleek and produced with care: ABK Innovent supplies stainless steel worktops, kitchen worktops, extractor hoods and sinks to the business market. This Dutch company is located in the east of the Netherlands and is part of Dumaco Varsseveld and from now on uses Merkato Essentials!

In the current process, an engineer creates a CAD drawing of each request. That drawing is sent back and forth several times, often because of ambiguities, before the customer finally approves it. This approach costs engineering a lot of capacity – and precisely that capacity is currently very expensive, given the scarcity on the market.

Fortunately, these worries are a thing of the past. From now on, the dimensions of the worktop are recorded in the configurator and sketches are made of the worktop using SVG technology. All this is of course controlled from the configurator. Due to this approach, the customer is jointly responsible for correctly recording the dimensions and ultimately only one worksheet drawing needs to be made.

In short: less pressure on engineering, a shorter lead time of the order entry process and lower quality costs because miscommunications between customer and ABK InnoVent are a thing of the past. An efficient use of our efficient software!

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