Frissen Groen Techniek

Thorough cleaning of sales and quotation process at Frissen Groen Techniek

Both in the Netherlands and through a subsidiary in Germany, Frissen Groen Techniek supplies garden & park, industrial, sweeping and cleaning machines. For the latter category, the organisation had commissioned a configurator years ago. As the supplier stopped further development, Frissen Groen Techniek decided to take over. This resulted in a configurator that became very difficult to manage. Time for a replacement, so that cleaning machines can again be configured effectively, easily and error-free.

Merkato Essentials convinces in POC

A simple visit to soon led to a call to the right contact. After a short video meeting and a Proof-of-Concept, provided by one of the best consultants within Merkato Holding, Frissen Groen Techniek was convinced. Merkato Essentials is the right, modern and easy-to-manage configurator that can be set up and used at a good price. Part of the agreement was that the consultant who took care of the POC would also supervise the implementation. This proved no problem and the project was soon rushed to start.

Easy and correct configuration of complex machines

With Merkato Essentials, Frissen Groen Techniek’s entire sales and quotation process is improved, for both field and inside sales. This allows complex cleaning machines to be easily configured without the possibility of errors. Every configuration is available by definition. The quotations roll out neatly in its own house style, in both Dutch and German. As icing on the cake, the configurator also provides workshop instructions, a calculation document including margins and an order form for the supplier. Frissen Groen Techniek indicated that it got a lot of quality for this price, which we think is a great compliment!

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