
Complex logistics processes demand the simplicity of Merkato Essentials

Many times we don’t think about it: how do ATMs’ leaden safes get into place? Or big industrial coolers of soft drink brands? Or public transport gates? There is a huge process of logistics, installation and maintenance behind that. This is precisely what Logicall is strong in. Transporting large, heavy objects requires specialist knowledge. This also requires complex quotations, and it was precisely in the sales process that some things went wrong. It could just happen that one logistical process resulted in different prices for different sellers. To solve this problem, Logicalllooked for the right configurator.

Merkato Essentials ensures uniformity

Our contact at Logicall was a former employee of another CPQing Solutions client. There he helped set up Merkato Essentials – to our complete satisfaction. We liked the cooperation so much that he suggested that Merkato Essentials is also the right tool for Logicall. The aim is to regain clarity in the quotation process with our configurator. Everyone calculates the same price for a job and, by applying knowledge rules, no more elements can be forgotten in the quotation. This improves the quality of the sales and quotation process, which also increases customer satisfaction. After all, customers receive an error-free, modern quotation in no time.

A pilot leading to more quality improvement

Logicall wanted to start quickly with a short implementation time. This is achieved by one of our skilled consultants. And we go one step further; he builds and designs the entire configurator under Logicall responsibility. Based on this fast implementation construction, we will also start working for the other companies within the Jansen Group, of which Logicall is part. There, too, there is a lot of need to quickly improve the quotation process. And that is what we like to do for organisations!

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