Staka Metallics

Staka Metallics

3d configurator softwareStaka is a major player in the control cabinet market. In addition, Staka is one of the two largest players in the roof hatch market and they export to various European countries. They mainly supply to contractors, installers and intermediaries. At their main location in Oosterhout, North Brabant, all their products start as stainless steel plates and all processing to the desired end product is done entirely internally. Staka Metallics has engaged CPQing as a software supplier to prepare quotations flawlessly from now on and to eventually convert them into manufacturable orders.

As a constant forerunner in the modernization of their market, Staka wanted the customer to be able to see a direct 3D visualization of the resulting product during product composition, which then changes in real time with the chosen specifications. As a result, the customer can now from the website put together special sizes, which are then directly integrated into the ERP system.

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