Custom Configurator vs. Configurator software

During a search for a suitable (product) configurator for your organization you probably encountered two different options; Generic Configurator software and Custom Configurator . Both options have the same goal in mind, enable your customers and/or field service to put together their own products or services and without the margin of error. Yet there are quite a lot of differences between configurator software and a customized configurator. In this blog we explain these differences, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages and we discuss the implementation process. Are you just in your search and is the concept of product configurator not yet completely clear? Then first read our blog “ What is a product configurator “.

What is a customized configurator?

As the name suggests, a customization (or costum build ) configurator is precisely tailor -made for your organization. To make the comparison with Configurator software easier, we can say that this is unique written code. Code that has been specifically written from the start for the wishes and requirements of your organization. This means that this type of configurator can only be used for your organization.

You can probably imagine that writing a customized configurator is an intensive and time -consuming process. Not only are all products, product combinations and the production errors to be prevented, also considering the functionalities of the customized configurator. All this means that a customized product configurator is often a large investment.

What is Configurator Software?

Configurator software is simply a blueprint to easily create different product configurators from the same basis. The generic software can be used for various applications. Think of it as a chameleon that adapts to the environment. Your business process is taken as a basis for the design of the Software Configurator. The software records all questions and answers that are necessary to put together your specific product. This makes the software exactly connect to your organization. Product-configurator Software is thus drawn up to be simple and with a limited number of actions one-unique product-configurator to make. Because the basis of the configurator is always the same, the implementation only takes weeks, instead of months – for any type of product!

The differences between configurator software and customization

There are several major differences between customized solutions and generic software. For example, the implementation of customized configurators often takes months. This is because the configurator is thought out, written out and built up from zero. Our standard Configurator software contains a lot of functionality that the average customized builder has never thought about. This way you can easily scale up with the functionalities already present in the software. A list of some of standard functionalities of our product-configurator : Suitable for multiple languages, users with any limitations To configure specific products), version management of the quotations, compiling workflows (for example an authorizations flow), guided selling , etc. cetera. All these standard functionalities present ensure that the implementation of our configuration software only takes a few weeks in most cases.

Another big difference between the two configurator options is the pricing. Building a customized configurator is a time -consuming process and therefore has high investment costs. It is not strange if work is done on the basis of an hour of invoice, whereby any extras or adjustments in the future can also become a substantial cost item. With configuration software it is common for a standard monthly rate to be used based on the functionalities of the software used. This way you will never be faced with unexpected costs and the investment costs are considerably lower.

A frequently made mistake is that configuration software does not offer any options for your own house style or own look and feel of the configurator or quotation documents. However, this is not the case, one of the spearheads of our configuration software is that it merges into your desired house style. So no customized configurator is needed to influence the layout and output of a product configurator.

Benefits Generic Configurator Software

Benefits Custom Configurator

Fast implementation (weeks)Complete participation in operation
Low investment costsConnect 100% to the desired business processes
Free software updatesOne -off investment (no fixed monthly costs)
Continuous development of the softwareOwn house style possible
Easier integration with external ERP and CRM software
More flexibility
Connect for 99% to the desired business processes
Choose from many proposed functionalities
No unexpected costs
Own house style possible

Disadvantages Generic Configurator Software

Disadvantages Custom Configurator

Pay per functionality usedHigh investment costs
Monthly invoicingSlow implementation (months)
Offends quickly
Depending on the supplier: Paying for functionality that you do not use (not with CPQing)Depending on developer for adjustments
Depending on the supplier: For the design, programming knowledge may be necessary (not with CPQing)Due to high investments, often only sub-optimization (requirements are downgraded)
Unexpected costs possible through adjustments or maintenance

The CPQing Solutions Product Configurator

With the explanation of both generic configurator software and a customized configurator, we have hopefully helped you one step further in the selection process. But we would like to go further, are you still in doubt or would you like to see the configuration software in his work? Then request a Non-obligation demo or view us Example With 3D visualization .

The CPQ Solutions product configurator ( Merkato Essentials ) is made up of a basic configurator which can be expanded with extra functionalities. We do not want to be a disguised ERP or CRM system and therefore integrate seamlessly with all your applications for an optimal workflow. We deliver a cloud-based solution with an open API.

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