Coffee branch

Complex calculations are the order of the day in the coffee industry. Variables such as contract form (rent, buy, loan or a combination), contract duration (different durations), with or without separate coffee grinder … there are a lot of variations.



In the coffee industry, complex calculations are the order of the day. Variables such as contract form (rent, buy, loan or a combination), contract duration (different durations), with or without separate coffee grinder … there are a lot of variations.

The ever-more complex calculations are often recorded in large, complicated Excel files. More and more companies in the coffee industry decide to phase these sheets and replace them in a professional environment with calculation rules: a tool that is approachable via the web browser.

In addition, competition within this industry is enormous. According to Google, there are only nearly 400 companies that deliver coffee solutions in the Benelux. Because of this competition, speed and customer -friendliness are more important than ever.

van Zelst can talk about this. Since they have implemented the Merkato Essentials, their quotations no longer have to go to different departments for approval. All these checks made the lead time of one quotation about one and a half days. The configurator has reduced this to just fifteen minutes. The quotations are also generated in their own appearance, with a personal touch. After all, the customer feeling has become very important in these times of digital contact instead of personal agreements.

Click here to read the whole story of Van Zelst. Dutch only.

  • Coffee branch
  • Product configurator
  • Sales configurator
  • Quotation
  • Manual
  • Instructions
  • Bill of Material
  • Purchasing overview
  • Calculation

Segafredo Zanetti improved their quotation process with CPQing Configurator, allowing account managers to generate quotations more efficiently.

Van Zelst Automaten speeds up the tender process with CPQing Solutions, cutting lead time from a day and a half to 15 minutes.

Van Duijnen Koffie has streamlined and optimised its quotation process by integrating Merkato Essentials, resulting in faster and error-free processing of quotations and orders.

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