

Snacks, healthy sandwiches, soft drinks or non-food products. You will find it all in the vending machines of Vending@Work. From their branches in Nieuwegein, Nijmegen and Groningen, Vending@Work provides other companies, schools and public areas from a varied range of refreshments.

Vending@Work was looking for a way to generate quotation documents more easily. Initially, they tried to achieve this through their CRM application. When this turned out to be a difficult story, they called on Merkato Essentials. Our configurator is therefore used to optimize the quotation process: tight configurations, fast price calculation and attractive quotation documents. This greatly improves the speed and quality!

Nice to know: in the run-up to going live, Vending@Work called Van Zelst Automaten, given the similarities. The enthusiasm of Tjeerd Verbeke of Van Zelst Automaten has been contagious.

In the future, Merkato Vending@Work may also provide support in making the layout sketches (where exactly is what placed in the vending machine) that the company makes for its customers. We are curious about what the future brings!

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