
Use a product or sales configurator for your industry

Click below for examples of how a product and / or sales configurator can be used in your industry.

We have made a subdivision per sector to give you an idea of the versatility of our CPQ software and to give you an idea that you can think of when it comes to applying From a Product Configurator in your industry. Configuring goes much further than filling in a simple order form. When a configurator is used correctly, it can bring your company efficiency benefits in many areas.

Are you not listed or idea? Great, Call us: it can be!

Construction supply

Within construction supply, a configurator might not seem obvious, but appearances can be deceptive. In fact, there are many applications for making major efficiency gains. Think of automating quotations, reducing errors, and optimising customer-specific solutions.

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Perhaps the most obvious industry to deploy a configurator in is manufacturing—the examples are endless. From automating complex ordering processes and reducing costly errors to significantly increasing productivity and customer satisfaction.

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Agriculture and horticulture

With the Netherlands specialising in Agricultural Mechanisation, we see many Dutch companies using configurators to sell worldwide. Dealers and sellers can offer machines error-free. CPQing Solutions offers the optimal solution for specific rules and niches.

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Coffee & Vending branch

In the coffee & vending industry, complex calculations are the order of the day. Variables such as contract form (rent, buy, loan or a combination) and contract duration (different terms) and many more possible variations can apply to both the coffee and vending industry.

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