Merkato Essentials can now be found in Exact Online's app store

Merkato Essentials can now be found in Exact Online's app store

We regularly link our configurator with Exact Online, the renowned ERP package when it comes to accounting and inventory management. We are therefore proud to mention that our configurator can now be found in the app store of Exact Online! The fact that we are in the store shows that there is a pleasant cooperation and that the link adds value for customers.

Why integrate Exact Online and Merkato Essentials?

Exact Online serves customers perfectly when it comes to accounting and inventory management. However, when your company works with (many) product variations, things can sometimes become complex in Exact Online. This is because not only each product, but also each product variation has to be given its own product code and price in the software. This means that a few variations can quickly generate thousands of parts lists with their own codes. To make it clear and workable again, the basic products and variations can be imported from Exact Online into Merkato Essentials. You can then use the configurator to put together a product, generate the parts list and calculate the correct price. In addition, by setting knowledge rules in the configurator, you also ensure that sales reps can only put together manufacturable products or services. No more mistakes in quotations!

This way, you make use of the real strengths of both packages. You can read more about the advantages of this link in this previously published blog. This link with Exact Online can also be used for the software of our sister companies Sell it Easy and Quootz.

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