Product configurator as quotation software

Quotation software has different interpretations. From relatively simple software that helps you prepare and send quotations, invoices and VAT declarations to quotation software with a great deal of functionality for quoting complex products and services. The simple quotation software is a handy addition for (small) companies that only offer one product or service, as it provides quotations and invoices in a consistent house style. The extensive form of quotation software helps your user (field service, dealer, customer or anonymous website user) in the purchasing or sales process. This involves preparing a customised quotation that incorporates all the customer’s requirements. For the extended form of quotation software, a product configurator is ideal to use. In this blog, we explain why.

What does a product configurator do?

For completeness, we’ll start at the beginning. Because what is a product configurator and what does it have to do with quote software? Indeed, at first glance, they are two completely different products. But nothing could be further from the truth. A product configurator is basically a tool that allows your clients to configure their ideal product or service themselves. But according to your rules. So the customer can only put together what can actually be produced. So in effect, the customer creates his or her own quotation. The quotation can then easily be linked to sales and production systems.

Make 100% producible quotations

The power of a product configurator is that only 100% producible quotations are made. Because you yourself have influence on the configuration rules (what is possible and what is not), our CPQ software compiles only producible options. Be it relatively simple products with (many) variations and options to complex products. This gives your customer a unique visual insight into all the possibilities of your product or service to make easier choices, saving you a lot of time.

Because your customer makes his or her own choices in the product configurator and sees what this does to the final price and the product, an optimum quotation is created for him or her. If relevant, this quotation can even be ordered directly online. Thanks to a product configurator, you therefore get quotation software that only produces 100% producible quotations. This makes it a piece of cake to provide sellers, dealers and customers worldwide with the right prices.

Quotation software for variable and modular products and services

The simple quotation software that helps you prepare and send quotations is fine if you have a standard product or service offering without variations. But products or services that are made-to-order often involve a time-consuming quotation process. Not to mention the errors that can creep into such quotations with all the financial consequences that entails. All this is a thing of the past with CPQing Solutions‘s product configurator. It is even possible to work with visualisations (dynamic images or 3D), allowing the customer to immediately see the consequences of the choices made. Both in the product and in the price. CPQing Solutions works with the most powerful rules engine available in the market in which you specify all possibilities and impossibilities yourself. It is even possible to differentiate by person, country, day or dealer, configuration based on roles and rights. Thus, you have complete control and the quotation process is simplified, 100% accurate and also visual for your potential customers.

The benefits are endless

The implementation of a configurator is different for each company and may differ by industry. However, there are benefits that are the same for any company in any industry, regardless of the application:

  • Visual purchase guidance for customer
  • Visual purchase guidance for customer
  • Professional appearance
  • Guaranteed correct offers (quotations always producible)
  • Always have instant insight into all standards and limitations of any products or services
  • Complex products are displayed simply and clearly
  • Control over the content of the quotation document
  • Possibility of online configuration (and sales)
  • Turnaround time is significantly reduced (from quotation to production)
  • Possibility of online configuration (and sales)
  • Turnaround time is significantly reduced (from quotation to production)
  • Lower failure costs
  • Easily expandable
  • Direct insight into costs and delivery times of variations

Do you also want your building supply company to be able to use all the benefits of a configurator soon? Then feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities, or experience the convenience for yourself with your own demo-environment.

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