Ellens Landbouwtechniek B.V.

Self-sufficient dealer network ensures peace of mind and efficiency at Ellens Landbouwtechniek

Ellens Landbouwtechniek B.V., after years of working in agricultural mechanisation, started producing agricultural machinery under the name Samon in 1978. This became a huge success and by now the company develops, produces and delivers 200 to 300 agricultural machines for harvesting onions every year. These machines are sold worldwide with the help of a professional dealer network. But how do you ensure that this dealer network becomes self-reliant in selling these machines, so that Ellens Landbouwtechniek can focus on innovation and production instead of making quotations?

Search for efficiency

The mission to make the dealer network self-reliant in configuring and selling the machines led to a search for the right solution. The first hunch at Ellens Landbouwtechniek was to build a configurator in Excel, but after a website visit to cpqing.eu, a call was made and a demo was soon scheduled to demonstrate the power of Merkato Essentials. This immediately proved to be a more user-friendly solution than anything the organisation had previously researched and looked at. The simplicity with which knowledge rules can be defined in Merkato Essentials won them over.

Employ staff the right way

As dealers easily go through a dynamic questionnaire to put together machines using Merkato Essentials, Ellens Landbouwtechniek’s staff no longer have to worry about preparing quotes for dealers. The configurator ensures that dealers always get the right quotes in their working language to present to potential customers. The tooling is also easy to manage and adapt to changing market demand.

For us, it was extraordinary to see that Ellens Landbouwtechniek can produce and deliver so many agricultural machines per year with less than 15 employees. A huge achievement! Fortunately – with our help – the employees can now focus on this even better.

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