About us

CPQing Solutions

The way in which companies and consumers purchase products and services changes rapidly . The growth to buy products and services via the internet is no longer a stopping. In addition, the modern (online) customer and consumer are very visually minded and the technology makes this possible. Companies respond to this by showing products and services on their website with visualizations.

CPQing Solutions sees it as its mission to support this development by delivering a total concept. Not only the delivery of the very best CPQ Sales and Product Configurator for the lowest price in the market, but also by providing services filled by the very best consultants. With their experience and “best practices” they help you to reach your dot on the horizon quickly and creatively.

Services in the field of implementation guidance, integration with thirds of thirds, setting up e-commerce platforms , developing 3D models … in short: everything What you need to sell your products and services responsibly via the internet.

Part of Merkato Group

CPQing Solutions is part of the Merkato Group: a financially stable holding with several companies that use the same rule engine to provide customers with a solution in different branches. The rule engine, Merkato, has already been successfully implemented at around 180 companies. Thousands of users are now making daily quotes worldwide with Merkato. The rule engine that delivers CPQing is a variant of Merkato: see it as Merkato Essentials.

Our team

Ronald Hensen

Bas Könst

Rinck Sonnenberg

Niek Hafkamp

IJbrand Schipperus

Luuk Oude Hampsink

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