Sales configurator for international sales

In addition to complexity in products, your organization may also have to deal with a complex sales structure. Especially if you operate internationally and work with dealers, resellers, agents, importers or a combination of these. In addition, there is usually also an internal sales department or a separate Business Unit that deals with global sales or management of local partners. All in all, this can result in a jumble of agreements that are difficult to remember and comply with. Especially if these agreements are tucked away in contracts or agreements. By using a Sales configurator with Roles and Rights, each dealer, reseller, agent or importer gains access to exactly what is relevant to him or her. With automatic pricing according to the contractual agreements. In this blog we tell you about the possibilities of our CPQ Software for organizations with an international sales force.

Why a sales configurator?

For the sake of completeness of this blog, we will first give a brief explanation of what a Sales configurator is, and how this software helps you streamline your sales channels. A Sales configurator is mainly used as support for salespeople. The Sales configurator is filled with configuration lines so that you can be sure that the quotation can always be produced and delivered. This is a useful addition, especially for complex (or composite) products or services. After all, nothing can ever be sold that cannot be produced. Whether it concerns (im)possible combinations or production errors. In addition, a Sales configurator helps to make the entire process transparent. Variations can easily be made to see changes in price or delivery time. Going through this process together with the customer makes it even easier for your sales team to take advantage of up-sell and cross-sell opportunities.

The Sales configurator of CPQing Solutions goes one step further. You can extend it with Roles & Permissions that allow you to include different shielded users with their own unique configuration rules. This way they can also use the advantages of a Sales configurator, while specific agreements (for example a purchase discount) are immediately included.

Sales rights per user

By working with multiple users, you retain control and overview of your partners. Whether dealers, resellers, agents, importers or your own sales teams. You determine the configuration rules per user, so that contractual agreements are centrally managed and it is easy to use different pricing strategies. For example, you can easily set the margin or purchase discount to be applied per user.

But especially if you operate internationally, you may have to deal with changing laws and regulations to which your products have been adapted. This makes it possible to give each user access only to the products that are actually relevant for the specific region. The Roles & The rights function therefore gives you the option to indicate per user in an instant which products or services they may or may not (or cannot) sell.

Example: A lift truck manufacturer has different versions of lift trucks. For different activities, but there are also variants specifically for the American and Asian market. By simply excluding these specific products from the market where they are not relevant, an American customer is prevented from purchasing a forklift with European or Asian characteristics during the quotation process.

Personalization option

In addition to being able to manage sales rights per user, a Sales configurator also offers the option of personalization per user. For example, resellers or importers can continue to use their own house style. The Sales configurator is therefore not an infringement of the way resellers and importers work, but also a way for them to sell your products faster and easier without compromising their own identity.

Webshop integration

In addition to the fact that a Sales configurator is an ideal tool to keep control over your international sales apparatus, it can also be used online. This way you can simultaneously use it as webshop configurator. Here, too, you determine how far a user may go in the purchasing process. Do you mainly implement the software as offerte-software or as a (possibly limited) product configurator, for slightly less complex products where your sales device is not required.

The possibilities are endless, so we are happy to help you find the ideal Sales configurator for your organization. Our software works modularly, you choose which functionalities you want to use and which you do not want to use. Request a demo today or get in touch to discuss your situation.

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